Monday, March 9, 2009

Hello! I just wanted to let you know how well Firefighter Teddy is doing.. We renamed him Leo (short for Leopold) and he already responds to his name. He is doing great with housetraining and crate training (he is only crated overnight, from 10:30-6 or 7 when he wakes up). The first few days with a puppy and 3-year were a bit chaotic, but everyone has settled in very well over the past week. Oso [black lab] and Leo get along very well... they are starting to play together. The cat has introduced herself to Leo very, very slowly over the past few days (she finally got tired of hiding upstairs by herself and has ventured downstairs on her own a few times). Leo is a lot of fun, and a smart little guy. We are enjoying him very much! We'll try to bring him by Petsmart for a visit soon.

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