Friday, March 13, 2009

Not too long ago, I discovered that some of my dogs' favorite soft chews has sugar added! Why is that? Dogs don't have a sweet tooth, they just love to eat. So now they only get an occasional soft chewy treat and the rest of the time they get frozen carrots and marrow bones. Now I know why dogs need dental cleaning - for cavities! Then what did I see the other day while treat shopping & reading labels - 50 calorie snack pouches for dogs with lean beef and 90% Fat Free! Had to get that, of course, and they can't tell the difference!

Check out this website for some cute, cute pictures!

1 comment:

Radar's Mom said...

I've had fun looking through you site... if you're interested, I'm posting a Potcake story on my blog over the next several days. Chapters 1 & 2 went up today and 3 through 7 will go up one a day until next week.