Sunday, March 2, 2008

All the potcake puppies have been adopted! It must be a record -- 8 puppies in 16 days! Everybody loves their potcake. Bongo is now in Massachusetts in the snow, and his family bought a coat for him so he'll stay warm. They report that he loves to stick his nose in the snow! And Tambourine is in Virginia Beach. The rest were local adoptions. Don't forget, we still have Dinky Potcake, who is shy with people but loves dogs -- he's a dog's dog, and needs a playmate!

Some more good news: the mom & dad dogs of the white puppies have been spayed & neutered in Abaco. So that's the last of that line of pups! Yay!

Yesterday we picked up a little chihuahua mix from Animal Control, and today we're off to check on some puppies in Norcross. We want to see about getting the momma dog spayed from these puppies too.

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