Saturday, February 21, 2009

From Carol, now a 2-Potcake Owner:

Carol adopted Abaco (now Abby) a year ago, and adopted Polly Potcake (now Cooter) on Feb. 7. They also own Boomer, another rescue dog:

"Well, I had been protesting that the name Cooter was a tad redneck for an island dog. But I went to a gym meet on Saturday afternoon and when I came home David announced that she liked the white bread/mayo tidbit from his sandwich, loved licking beer off his fingers, and had figured out two ways to escape from the front yard. So, Cooter it is . . .She seems to be fitting right in. By the way -- hasn't Abby grown up to be a beauty???"

Cooter and Boomer:
Boomer's new chew toy:
The gang:

Abby Potcake:

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