Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guest Blogger

A note from Susie McCarthy (cat foster parent, cat trapper, and pet rescue organization volunteer):

Recently, Best Friends Animal Society hosted a special meeting in Atlanta for its members in Georgia and for other animal lovers and supporters. Although I’m not a member of Best Friends – yet – I went to the meeting to learn more about the organization and its work. I thought it would help me in my work as a foster home for cats, as a proponent of TNR (trap, neuter, return) programs for wild cats, and as a volunteer for Royal Potcake Rescue. I couldn’t have imagined just how beneficial the meeting would be for me personally, though! Being in an auditorium of like-minded people who believe in the mission of Best Friends -- that “kindness to animals builds a better world for all of us” was amazing. Even though it was a weeknight and the meeting took place after a long day of work, I left the meeting feeling so invigorated and inspired, and I couldn’t wait to play with my houseful of animals: one dog, four adopted cats, and six foster cats!

Best Friends Animal Society is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and at the meeting one of the founders told the story of how the huge sanctuary that is home to about 2,000 animals in Kanab, Utah was founded. He said that Best Friends is unique not only for the animals but also for the volunteers who visit from all over the country and world. When it began 25 years ago, Best Friends’ “No More Homeless Pets” campaign created a new vision of reducing the number of unwanted pets and animals who are euthanized. The good news is that this number has dropped from approximately 17 million animals euthanized yearly in the 1980s to about 5 million animals currently euthanized each year. The bad news is that this number appears to have leveled off.

At the meeting I learned that Best Friends has four major initiatives going on now to break through the stagnant number of euthanized animals. These campaigns are:
1) Educating people about so-called “bully breeds” and fighting breed-specific legislation, such as passing stronger legislation against dog fighting. Visit for more information.
2) Promoting TNR programs to prevent feral and outdoor cats from breeding, along with helping people to begin to look at outdoor cats as “community cats” that are beneficial rather than as feral cats that are a nuisance.
3) Putting an end to puppy mills:
4) The First Home, Forever Home campaign to help people overcome problems with their animals and keep them instead of turning them in to shelters or abandoning them.

Best Friends works with members and humane groups to set up spay/neuter, shelter, foster and adoption programs throughout the United States. Soon the Society will launch “Go Local” pages to help people connect with local shelters and rescue groups, like Royal Potcake Rescue! Visit to learn more about the great work of this organization, becoming a member or giving the gift of membership for only $25, or just to feel the inspiration that comes from sustained kindness to animals.

Susie is pictured below with "Obama" during Inaugeration Day!

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